martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Did you know...

Water is life. We ourselves are about 70% water. We're even reading this through two large drops that are our eyes, which are formed by 90% of water. Conserving water is to preserve life.
  It's incredible !!  Is it not?...

1.- If there is no water, there may be problems of sanitation and hygiene.

2.-If you drink contaminated water, you can die.

3.-If you use a conventional showerhead, spend 30 liters more water than a saving showerhead.

4.- When a key has a "slight" drip, can waste up to 30 liters a day.

5.-When you brush your teeth spend 7 liters of water, if you leave the water running.

6.-If your body gets too little water, your kidneys may stop working.

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