miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012

My Childhood .. !

My childhood was fun, spent much time at home with my dad. At that time was not used Facebook. I lived my childhood in a small town called Todos Santos played with my cousins ​​there every afternoon.
Stop we played, the hidden, the colors, the phone tag.

The school was easier at that time, let alone charged with jobs, responsibilities were clearly different also.

In my free time playing it was an artist and gave a concert my dad ^ - ^

domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012


Did you know ..

In the world lose hundreds of thousands of species, many of them even before they are discovered by science. Thus, not only lost biological variability, but also genetic diversity, source of livelihood for future generations. An endangered species is one that may become extinct in the near future. Through the history of evolution, millions of species have disappeared due to natural processes. In the last 300 years, however, humans have increased the extinction rate per thousand.


Inhabits the Siberian region of AMER-usury also in northern China and Korea.
The region is named after the animal is covered with snow much of the year. Its territory is wider than other tiger subspecies and often undertake long journeys in search of food.

FOOD: deer, wild boars, bears, moose, etc. ..
The Siberian tiger spends much time hunting because only captures about 10% of prey pursued. Attacks mainly deer and wild boars, but also feeds on fishes.

Fifty-six. No more, no less. The number of copies remaining Siberian tiger today worldwide. Poaching and loss of habitat in eastern Russia and China's northern border are the reasons for the endangered species of big cat, which has worsened to 500 animals down to 56 in four years.


To save the Siberian tiger from extinction is best to sensitize people about animal. Reservations are required to be protected permanently. Also poaching should be punished harshly.
No ancient forests: No Hope
It is very important to give a few specimens still living in freedom a chance to live in an ideal environment and unaltered. Since the Siberian tiger needs to survive an enormous area with large forest areas protected and monitored.

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012


Many say "I can do I'm just a person" but for an assist even the smallest change makes a HUGE! on the planet....

1. Find out. Meet the environmental problems that exist in your community, your country and your planet. Be informed lets you know what to do to protect the environment.

2. Raise your voice. Not enough to know: we must act, report, question, propose, spread the word, encourage ...

3. It works. Each of your actions negatively or positively impact our ecosystems. Do not think you throw a litter does not matter because it is only a ... do not think you raise a litter does not work because only one. Everything counts, so everything you do it for the planet. The role of citizen action is to assert our rights and act as witnesses of society to those acts and deeds that violate these rights. In many cases it has been civil society which, with its demands, has promoted the creation of standards and environmental programs by requiring specific actions to specific problems.

4. Requires decision makers, your governments (municipal, local or federal) public policies to benefit the environment.

5. Choose products made locally. This will reduce fuel consumption used for their transport.

6. Traveling less by air.

7. Used pressure cookers, it spends little energy. Use pots and pans with a flat bottom and a diameter greater than that of the surface of the grill, so the cooking will be faster and save energy.

8. Use fewer chemicals and exploits the benefits of each ingredient natural products can be found in shops, markets, pharmacies, hardware stores and hardware stores.

9. In place of toxic solvents used vinegar (5% acetic acid). It is a mild disinfectant, cuts grease, cleans glass, deodorizes and removes calcium deposits, stains and wax buildup.

10. Speaking of wood and love the planet ... care of our forests. Supports ecotourism in forested areas and generally SFM, do not mistreat the trees and not provoke fire.

Did you know...

Water is life. We ourselves are about 70% water. We're even reading this through two large drops that are our eyes, which are formed by 90% of water. Conserving water is to preserve life.
  It's incredible !!  Is it not?...

1.- If there is no water, there may be problems of sanitation and hygiene.

2.-If you drink contaminated water, you can die.

3.-If you use a conventional showerhead, spend 30 liters more water than a saving showerhead.

4.- When a key has a "slight" drip, can waste up to 30 liters a day.

5.-When you brush your teeth spend 7 liters of water, if you leave the water running.

6.-If your body gets too little water, your kidneys may stop working.


The solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago from a cloud of gas and dust that formed the central star and a circumstellar disk in which, by the union of smaller particles, have been formed first, little little, larger particles, then planetesimals, protoplanets then, up to the present planets.

Did you know...

*Mercury: is the planet of the solar system closest to the Sun and the smallest. It is part of the so-called rocky inner planets or satellites lacks. Very little was known about its surface until it was sent planetary probe Mariner 10 and made observations with radars and telescopes.

*Venus: is the second planet from the sun in order of distance from the Sun, and the third in terms of size, from smallest to largest. It is named in honor of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. It is a rocky planet Earth type, often called the Earth's sister planet because both are similar in size, mass and composition, but totally different in thermal and atmospheric issues.

*Earth: (Terra, Latin name of Gaia, Greek deity of femininity and fertility) is a planet in the solar system that revolves around its star in the third innermost orbit. It is the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the four terrestrial.

*Mars: is the fourth planet from the sun. Named for the god of war in Roman mythology Mars is sometimes nicknamed the Red Planet because of the reddish appearance that gives the dominating iron oxide surface.
It is part of the so-called terrestrial planets (rocky nature, like the Earth) and the inner planet is farthest from the Sun is in many ways the most Earth-like.

*Jupiter: is the fifth planet from the sun. It is part of the so-called gaseous outer planets. Named after the Roman god Jupiter (Zeus in Greek mythology).
This is the planet that offers higher brightness throughout the year depending on its phase. It is also after the Sun, the largest celestial body in the solar system with a mass nearly two and a half times that of the other planets combined (with a mass 318 times that of Earth and three times that of Saturn ).

*Saturn: is the sixth planet from the sun, and the second largest after Jupiter mass and the only one with a ring system visible from Earth. Its name comes from the Roman god Saturn. It is part of the so-called outer planets or gaseous Jovian also called for its resemblance to Jupiter. The most characteristic aspect of Saturn are its bright rings.

*Uranus: is the seventh planet of the Solar System, the third largest in terms of size, and the fourth most massive.Uranus is similar in composition to Neptune, and both have a composition different from the other two gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn).

*Neptune: is the eighth planet from the Sun and the solar system's farthest. It is part of the so-called outer planets or gas giants, and is the first to be discovered through mathematical predictions. His name was given in honor of the Roman god of the sea, Neptune, and is the fourth planet in diameter and the third largest by mass.