martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012


Many say "I can do I'm just a person" but for an assist even the smallest change makes a HUGE! on the planet....

1. Find out. Meet the environmental problems that exist in your community, your country and your planet. Be informed lets you know what to do to protect the environment.

2. Raise your voice. Not enough to know: we must act, report, question, propose, spread the word, encourage ...

3. It works. Each of your actions negatively or positively impact our ecosystems. Do not think you throw a litter does not matter because it is only a ... do not think you raise a litter does not work because only one. Everything counts, so everything you do it for the planet. The role of citizen action is to assert our rights and act as witnesses of society to those acts and deeds that violate these rights. In many cases it has been civil society which, with its demands, has promoted the creation of standards and environmental programs by requiring specific actions to specific problems.

4. Requires decision makers, your governments (municipal, local or federal) public policies to benefit the environment.

5. Choose products made locally. This will reduce fuel consumption used for their transport.

6. Traveling less by air.

7. Used pressure cookers, it spends little energy. Use pots and pans with a flat bottom and a diameter greater than that of the surface of the grill, so the cooking will be faster and save energy.

8. Use fewer chemicals and exploits the benefits of each ingredient natural products can be found in shops, markets, pharmacies, hardware stores and hardware stores.

9. In place of toxic solvents used vinegar (5% acetic acid). It is a mild disinfectant, cuts grease, cleans glass, deodorizes and removes calcium deposits, stains and wax buildup.

10. Speaking of wood and love the planet ... care of our forests. Supports ecotourism in forested areas and generally SFM, do not mistreat the trees and not provoke fire.

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