domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012


Did you know ..

In the world lose hundreds of thousands of species, many of them even before they are discovered by science. Thus, not only lost biological variability, but also genetic diversity, source of livelihood for future generations. An endangered species is one that may become extinct in the near future. Through the history of evolution, millions of species have disappeared due to natural processes. In the last 300 years, however, humans have increased the extinction rate per thousand.


Inhabits the Siberian region of AMER-usury also in northern China and Korea.
The region is named after the animal is covered with snow much of the year. Its territory is wider than other tiger subspecies and often undertake long journeys in search of food.

FOOD: deer, wild boars, bears, moose, etc. ..
The Siberian tiger spends much time hunting because only captures about 10% of prey pursued. Attacks mainly deer and wild boars, but also feeds on fishes.

Fifty-six. No more, no less. The number of copies remaining Siberian tiger today worldwide. Poaching and loss of habitat in eastern Russia and China's northern border are the reasons for the endangered species of big cat, which has worsened to 500 animals down to 56 in four years.


To save the Siberian tiger from extinction is best to sensitize people about animal. Reservations are required to be protected permanently. Also poaching should be punished harshly.
No ancient forests: No Hope
It is very important to give a few specimens still living in freedom a chance to live in an ideal environment and unaltered. Since the Siberian tiger needs to survive an enormous area with large forest areas protected and monitored.

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